Where should we go for great photos?

Are you trying to find a beautiful location for your family photoshoot? Are you local to Southern California? Then we’ve got some great spots to check out!

Over the past three years we have done a lot of research and have visited many places in hopes of finding beautiful locations for our family photoshoots. With the right gear and attitude, you can shoot anywhere and truly get beautiful photos. However, clients generally feel more comfortable when you have a few spots to offer! Sometimes our clients have a location in mind, but when they dont, it’s not to have our top 3 favorites in out pockets. Those spots include Snow Creek Park in Walnut, Horse-Thief Canyon in San Dimas, and the Claremont Colleges.

Snow Creek Park, Walnut, CA

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We found this park while looking at a photo a high school friend posted. I asked him where it was taken, and when we visited this park we fell IN LOVE! We have done over 75% of our family photoshoots here, because no matter what time of day - The scene is jaw dropping gorgeous! There is also a baseball field for our sports fan clients


Horse-Thief Canyon, San Dimas, CA

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We really can’t remember how we found this park, but we’ve been shooting here for about 2 years now. The drive to the park is beautiful, as you pass the horses and the pretty trail. This is definitely one of our favorite “rustic feels” spots!


Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA


We live just down the street, and always recognized the colleges as a great place for photos. We tend to do a lot of graduation portraits here, but have also done many family portraits in front of those gorgeous buildings. What I love most about this location, is how diverse it is. You want a semi- City feel? Claremont college! You want flowers? Claremont college! You want old buildings? I know a place! Keep in mind, a permit is required to shoot at the buildings. They also frown upon elaborate photoshoots (if they see you in a wedding gown, you may get a slap on the wrist). Otherwise, it is safe to photograph here, and it sure is beautiful!